Our goal is to fight cancer!!
We work to ensure that everyone has equal access to the best cancer care. We stand up for the dignity of cancer patients and create tools to help them make good decisions about their health. We give courage!
Our vision
We are an international network of organisations that comprehensively support people suffering from cancer in different countries.
Alivia network organisations cooperate, support each other and contribute to international development.
We are financially and politically independent thanks to diversified international fundraising activities. Our employees are committed, motivated and competent. We care about their development, satisfaction and knowledge share. We operate professionally, we cooperate with experts and we are able to effectively use our resources, experience, skills and knowledge.
We are strong in our values and mission.
Our values
- Courage
- Bravery
- Strength
- Empathy

- Openness
- Solidarity
- Knowledge
- Innovation
Statutory information
Stichting Alivia International Foundation
Kabelweg 57, 1014BA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The purpose of the Foundation is to fight cancer. The Foundation:
- acts to ensure equal access to the best cancer care for everyone, everywhere,
- defends the dignity of cancer patients and provide tools that enable them to make informed health decisions,
- undertakes its actions across borders.
The foundation does not have an objective of making profit.
General public with special focus on the following groups:
- cancer patients,
- cancer patients caregivers,
- healthcare professionals,
- donors.
January 1 until December 31. The first book year ending on December 31, 2022.
Robert Bron
Pawel Urawski
Barbara Dobrowolska
Agata Polinska
ANBI status
In August 2022 Alivia International Foundation applied for ANBI status (Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling).
ANBI status is granted by the Dutch tax authorities to organisations or societies that serve the general interest of the community. To qualify, an organization must meet several conditions including that at least 90% of its efforts must be focused on the general good. Please visit the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration website for more information on ANBIs.
Articles of association (in Dutch and English)
2022 Financial Report
Annual Financial Report for the period ended December 31st 2022
2023 Financial Report
Annual Financial Report for the period ended December 31st 2023
Register extract
Business Register extract (Netherlands Chamber of Commerce)
2022 Activity Report
Annual Activity Report for the period ended December 31st 2022
2023 Activity Report
Annual Activity Report for the period ended December 31st 2023
Remuneration policy
Remuneration policy document
2022/2023 Policy plan
Strategic policy plan document
2023/2024 Policy plan
Strategic policy plan document
2022 ANBI Report
Annual ANBI Report for the period ended December 31st 2022
2023 ANBI Report
Annual ANBI Report for the period ended December 31st 2023
Alivia Intenraional Foundation
Kabelweg 57 1014 BA